Tuesday, July 28, 2009

J.R.D Tata - we are, kinda are thinking of saluting you!

J.R.D Tata once said - "If I have any merit, it is getting along with individuals, according to their ways and characteristics...At times it involves suppressing yourself. It is painful but necessary...to be a leader you have got to lead human beings with affection."

Well, we at TeeCeeYes don't care for what the old man said. He has gone long ago from this world and he might have been one of the foundations for our company but nobody said we have to follow what he had said.

We will not suppress ourselves at all. Even in recession times, we will put our employees through utter misery. And we will not lead with affection. Damn, when we are not able to fill our coffers to the brim, how can we show any affection to our employees. They can leave when they want to.

This policy is a salutation to the great man - J.R.D Tata.

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